When Cruise’s autonomous cars get stuck, how can we get them unstuck as quickly and safely as possible?
Explain what Aurora is
I focused on CAD which is what
4+ years
2020 - ongoing
1 PM
4 front-end engineers
10 back-end engineers
2 operations team managers
30+ Remote Assistance Advisors and Coordinators
UX and Interactive Prototyping
User Research
User Interface Design
Potential projects (remove block later)
Sales Mode
Fire pathways
Multi-object selection
New design system: Borealis
Project life cycle
Sales Mode
Project size: Large
The redesign of Perception Override included overhauling the existing hotkeys and user flows, then designing new UI and animations.
Fire Pathways
Project size: Medium
Error messages are crucial for operators to understand their context and prevent mistakes. Cruise’s system of errors make sense to Cruise cars and their engineers, but are difficult to interpret by laymen.
How can Remote Assistant’s error messages be easy and quick to understand?
Camera Layouts
The Cruise car takes in information from radars, LiDars, and cameras. For Advisors in Remote Assistance, the camera feed is always their source of truth.
How can the camera feed be laid out so Advisors can quickly and accurately see the world around them?
Hotkeys and Shortcut Panel
Hotkeys are required to used many of Remote Assistance’s tools and are often faster alternative to clicking on on-screen buttons. However, not all Advisors use or remember all the hotkeys.
overhauled and redesigned
Redesigning hotkeys took a large initiative of redefining the hotkey system. It meant surveying Advisors, looking over all functions, and working closely with engineers. Then finally, updating the design of the hotkeys panel in the Terminal.